Privacy Policy2020-04-22T00:56:11+00:00

Privacy Policy
Safe Green Privacy Policy

Safe Green Foundation’s respects and values your privacy. The following constitutes Safe Green Foundation Online Privacy Policy for the collection, protection and use of the personal and private information we receive from donors and visitors to this website.

Personal Information

Safe Green Foundation collects personal information upon a visitor’s request to subscribe to our newsletters and announcements. Safe Green Foundation also collects personal information about donors in connection with their donation. Safe Green Foundation will NOT sell, rent or trade this information to a third party.

Email Updates

Safe Green Foundation provides email updates to keep interested visitors to our website informed of developments and events related to our mission. In order to receive these updates you must provide Safe Green Foundation with your name and email address. This information will be held in complete confidence, and Safe Green Foundation will NOT sell, rent, trade or otherwise reveal this information to a third party. You will be given the option to remove your name from our email list at the bottom of each email update.

Online Donations

Your online donations are safe and secure. Safe Green Foundation uses industry-standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to protect the confidentiality of your personal information and the security of your transaction.

At your option, Safe Green Foundation currently uses PayPal to process donations. When you make a donation via PayPal on the Safe Green Foundation website, your personal information is subject to PayPal’s data collection practices. For a full description, please read PayPal’s privacy and security statements.

Safe Green Foundation will send a written receipt to donors. All online transactions, regardless of size, will be confirmed by a follow-up email. Safe Green Foundation ‘s goal is to forge a long-term partnership with you, and we value and appreciate the trust that accompanies your online donation. If you donate online, Safe Green Foundation will never sell, rent or trade this information to a third party.


Safe Green Foundation currently uses cookies. A “cookie” is a parcel of text sent by a server to your web browser and then sent back unchanged by the browser each time it accesses that server. Safe Green Foundation uses cookies for authenticating, tracking and maintaining specific information about users, such as site preferences. You may chose to configure your browser to accept or reject cookies or notify you when you enter a website that utilizes cookie technology. You may not have access to some or all of the features of Safe Green Foundation ‘s website if you configure your browser to reject cookies.

Links to Other Internet Websites

Please be aware that Safe Green Foundation may provide links to third party websites from our site as a service to our users and we are not responsible for the content or information collection practices of those sites. We have no ability to control the privacy and data collection practices of such sites and the privacy policies of such sites may differ from that of Safe Green Foundation. Therefore, we encourage you to review and understand the privacy policies of such sites before providing them with any information.

Privacy Policy is Subject to Change

Safe Green Foundation is committed to the privacy of donors and visitors to this website. The laws, regulations and policies surrounding internet commerce are constantly changing. In order to adapt to changing circumstances, Safe Green Foundation reserves the right to change and update this policy. Safe Green Foundation may also make changes to the way in which visitor information is collected. When Safe Green Foundation makes such changes, you will see the word “updated” next to the privacy policy link on our website. If there are material changes to this Online Privacy Policy or in how Safe Green Foundation will use your personal information, we will prominently post and email such changes prior to implementing them. We encourage you to periodically review this privacy policy to be informed of how Safe Green Foundation is protecting your information.

Contact Safe Green Foundation

Thank you for your interest in Safe Green Foundation and our privacy policy. If you would like more information about the options discussed herein or simply have questions, please feel free to contact us via email at or call +1-866-359-5811.